20/2/2022 0 Comments Shark CompetitionWhat a fantastic turn out for our Shark comp Bbq. It was nice to see a lot of new faces.
Congratulations to Bradley Souter for the 3rd year in a row, winning the shark comp with an 8.07kg gutted gummy. Thank you to all who come along.
15/1/2022 0 Comments Keith Smith Whiting ChallengeA big Congratulations to Fred Kirchner for taking out the Keith Smith Whiting Challenge with a 710 gram whopper.
15/1/2022 0 Comments Annual Club CompetitionCongratulations to all those who won trophies in the 2020-2021 season.
Club champion Steve Comber Runner up Brad Souter Best gummy Brad Souter Best whiting Wayne Wright Best flathead Allan Mitchell 14/11/2021 1 Comment 2021 Snapper Comp.What a great turnout for the presentation for our snapper competition. Several new faces and a few we haven't seen in a while. With the weather always changing in Victoria its sometimes hard to get out for a comp fish as the weekends seem to blow up and rain. The Snapper comp was held over 10 days which made it ideal for the working person, giving them more opportunity to get out. The first weekend the Snapper were fairly elusive but most that had the long weekend found a few.
Congratulations to Allan Dalton with his 7.2Kg fish. Allan took home the Lone Star anchor and bowsprit the Stormy jacket and King bait and burley pack, chocked full of great bait. Second prize went to Brody Connelly with a 6kg fish, Brody took home a fantastic pair of Tonic sunglasses. Our junior winner was Jack Huckett, well done Jack, he took home a Shimano reel, fishing book and cap. And congratulations to Roz who won another great King bait and burley pack, she guessed the mystery weight. Congratulations to the following club annual winners:
Biggest Whiting 887g William Comber Biggest Gummy 18.38kg Steve Comber Biggest Flatty 880g Darren Love Biggest Snapper 8.9kg Kelly Hocking Biggest Trevally 945g Murray Wannan Biggest Squid 2.92kg Steve Comber Congratulations to all the winners of the 2019/2020 season. 19/6/2020 0 Comments And the winner is...Congratulations to the Clubhouse raffle winner Jim Hutton. A huge thank you to Cr Clare Le Serve for coming along and drawing the raffle. Her support for the Clubhouse project is much appreciated.
13/6/2020 1 Comment Club History...The Club recently received a very generous donation from a long time member together with this wonderful old newsletter from 1990...
15/1/2020 1 Comment Great Fishing...There has been some fantastic catch's over the past week. Club member Gavin Kirchner and his father Fred, had a massive catch out front the Eastern Entrance and pulled a massive Seven Gill 40kg (ungutted) shark and some nice sized snapper.
Meanwhile Club President Murray Wannan and the clubs Fishing Co-ordinator Wayne Wright fished at Sunrise on Monday and found sine good sized Whiting close to home along the main arm on the drop offs, using mussel and fresh calamari for bait. 2/1/2020 0 Comments Nice Whiting Catch...Club President Murray Wannan joined Paul Miles and his father Thursday morning and found a good patch with whiting on a hot bite they managed 48 before a seal joined them and stole their fish. Before they could reel them in, after the seal getting 6 they made a move and picked up the last 12 for their bag limit. All the fish came from the banks west of Rhyll, mussel and squid for bait. |
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